Version: v6On this pageAngular Performance*ngFor with Ionic ComponentsWhen using *ngFor with Ionic components, we recommend using Angular's trackBy option. This allows Angular to manage change propagation in a much more efficient way and only update the content inside of the component rather than re-create the component altogether.By using trackBy you can provide a stable identity for each loop element so Angular can track insertions and deletions within the iterator. Below is an example of how to use<ion-item *ngFor="let item of items; trackBy:trackItems"> <ion-label>{{ item.value }}</ion-label></ion-item>home.component.tsitems = [ { id: 0, value: 'Item 0' }, { id: 1, value: 'Item 1' }, ...]trackItems(index: number, itemObject: any) { return;}In this example, we have an array of objects called items. Each object contains a value and an id. Using trackBy, we pass a trackItems function which returns the id of each object. This id is used to provide a stable identity for each loop element.For more information on how Angular manages change propagation with ngFor see the Ionic TeamHow to Lazy Load in Ionic AngularImproved Perceived Performance with Skeleton ScreensFrom the Angular TeamBuild performant and progressive Angular apps - web.devFrom the CommunityHigh Performance Animations in Ionic - Josh MoronyHigh Performance List Filtering in Ionic - Josh MoronyIncreasing Performance with Efficient DOM Writes in Ionic - Josh MoronyIonic Framework is Fast (But Your Code Might Not Be) - Josh MoronynoteDo you have a guide you'd like to share? Click the Edit this page button below.