Version: v6On this page@capacitor/toastThe Toast API provides a notification pop up for displaying important information to a user. Just like real toast!Installnpm install @capacitor/toastnpx cap syncPWA NotesPWA Elements are required for the Toast plugin to work.Exampleimport { Toast } from '@capacitor/toast';const showHelloToast = async () => { await{ text: 'Hello!', });};APIshow(...)Interfacesshow(...)show(options: ShowOptions) => Promise<void>Shows a Toast on the screenParamTypeoptionsShowOptionsSince: 1.0.0InterfacesShowOptionsPropTypeDescriptionDefaultSincetextstringText to display on the Toast1.0.0duration'short' | 'long'Duration of the Toast, either 'short' (2000ms) or 'long' (3500ms)'short'1.0.0position'top' | 'center' | 'bottom'Position of the Toast. On Android 12 and newer all toasts are shown at the bottom.'bottom'1.0.0