Loading Photos from the Filesystem
We’ve implemented photo taking and saving to the filesystem. There’s one last piece of functionality missing: the photos are stored in the filesystem, but we need a way to save pointers to each file so that they can be displayed again in the photo gallery.
Fortunately, this is easy: we’ll leverage the Capacitor Preferences API to store our array of Photos in a key-value store.
Begin by defining a constant variable that will act as the key for the store:
export class PhotoService {
public photos: UserPhoto[] = [];
private PHOTO_STORAGE: string = 'photos';
Next, at the end of the addNewToGallery
function, add a call to Preferences.set()
to save the Photos array. By adding it here, the Photos array is stored each time a new photo is taken. This way, it doesn’t matter when the app user closes or switches to a different app - all photo data is saved.
key: this.PHOTO_STORAGE,
value: JSON.stringify(this.photos),
With the photo array data saved, create a function called loadSaved()
that can retrieve that data. We use the same key to retrieve the photos array in JSON format, then parse it into an array:
public async loadSaved() {
const photoList = await Preferences.get({ key: this.PHOTO_STORAGE });
this.photos = JSON.parse(photoList.value) || [];
On mobile (coming up next!), we can directly set the source of an image tag - <img src="x" />
- to each photo file on the Filesystem, displaying them automatically. On the web, however, we must read each image from the Filesystem into base64 format, using a new base64
property on the Photo
object. This is because the Filesystem API uses IndexedDB under the hood. Below is the code you need to add in the loadSaved()
function you just added:
for (let photo of this.photos) {
const readFile = await Filesystem.readFile({
path: photo.filepath,
directory: Directory.Data,
photo.webviewPath = `data:image/jpeg;base64,${readFile.data}`;
After, call this new method in tab2.page.ts
so that when the user first navigates to Tab 2 (the Photo Gallery), all photos are loaded and displayed on the screen.
async ngOnInit() {
await this.photoService.loadSaved();
That’s it! We’ve built a complete Photo Gallery feature in our Ionic app that works on the web. Next up, we’ll transform it into a mobile app for iOS and Android!